Tuesday, March 27, 2007

First Posting

I have a journal at home (actually 2, but I'm only using 1 currently...and very infrequently, at that), but I thought that getting my comments online would be an interesting way for people who don't really know who I am or what I am about to get to know me better. I'm not saying that i'll even update this thing...especially with the amount of work I have left with school and that I don't have that full-time job thing that most (not all) soon-to-be college graduates want. I'm not even sure what i'll say in this blog or what I want to say. I think the title is thus very appropriate. "A Work in Progress" - this should be the title to my life. I'm a rough mold, DaVinci's ball of clay...ready to be formed by some magnificent hands. But, before I go any further I should say that I got the idea for an online journal (blog, zine, whatever it is you bloggers call it) from two people recently. The first uses this site also, so it's only a matter of time before she reads it. She uses anonymity for her names but I prefer to be totally blunt (and honest) unless she has an objection to it. Her name is Elisha. I met Elisha roughly two months ago and she is a lot like me...in many ways...some good; some bad, but all equally interesting. I'm sure I'll have plenty more to say about her in later posts, but for now i'll stick to formalities and only the essentials. The second person was my good friend Charlie. Actually, if we're being technical, it was Charlie's brother, Kevin. The funny thing about Kevin is that he doesn't even live in my area. In fact he's living in Minnesota with his wife while i'm still in Toledo, OH with my family. Charlie was showing me photos of Kevin's recent nuptials online and then he wanted to show me pictures or something else about Kevin online. We went to Kevin's online blog and I was actually entriqued by how many posts he had and what he had to say. He talked about his new home, his new wife, and the newness of his transition to Minnesota. He also talked about movies and other things of interest to me. So...after that and reading some of Elisha's posts together with her, I decided to get my own blog (whether this stays updated [or not]). I just realized that I haven't started any new paragraphs so this is like one giant stream-of-thought. For my next posting i'll try and make these more grammatically and syntactically correct. If you couldn't tell by now, btw, I am an English Major at Miami University. Or, more correctly put, I am an English Literature graduating from Miami this May currently taking 2 classes at the University of Toledo (but you wouldn't know the latter half of that statement unless you knew me personally or I hadn't lied to you).
Before I forget also, there is one other important reason why I decided to get an online blog. I realized that there's a lot going on in my life that needs to be out in the open. I used to think that writing in an online journal was kind of a paradox (and weird) because people usually write in journals because they want to write down all their personal thoughts and relieve the anxiety floating in their heads...so, why would they make all these personal thoughts (intimate details) public? However, I realize that sometimes we want to connect with other people who feel like we do. Why do we do it? Comfort? Friendship? Understanding? I'm not sure but for some odd reason I feel like if I keep writing and reveal any and all complicated or sordid details someone in fact may have gone through the same thing and sympathize with me. I forgot what else I wanted to say. Oh well. So without much further ado, I present to you, the reader, a running commentary on my life. Criticize, critique, complement (a lot more 'C's) or just read and enjoy. Cheers!


Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!


thenaughtybarista said...
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